Friday, June 7, 2013

Paper Mill

The problem is that a paper mill in town generates waste and an objectionable odor; and for my part, I have made a few ideas to improve upon the current uses.
First of all, a paper mill is a factory that makes paper from vegetable fibers. For example, wood pulp, old rags, and other ingredients using a type of paper machine. 
The chemical that is causing the odor is called dimethyl sulfide. 
To reduce the harmful waste, EAP scientists have created a green chemistry technology; which converts the chemicals into useful resources. 

MSDS for Sludge 
SPN Sludge. 
Product derived from waste water treatment clarifier solids, containing 45%-75% of water. 
Contains cellulose (wood pulp), calcium carbonate (limes), silicon (clay), and aluminum. 
Grey fibrous. 

To use some of the waste, there are a few ideas that came up. First of all, wood pulp is actually used to make most paper. In fact, the pulp and paper industry produces over 304 millions tons of paper every year. Meanwhile, the global production is expected to increase 77% by 2020. So, doing this, could actually help in a big way.

Another way to make the waste useful is using it to make gasoline and diesel fuel. It can be made by removing the oxygen from the biomass and convert the other main ingredients, which is hydrogen and carbon, into molecules. However, the cost turns out to be a couple hundred million on a plant to make this work. Although gasoline and diesel are not healthy for the environment, biodiesel has some advantages in a lower impact in the environment. In other words, I feel like making the fuel for our cars will help. 
More studies have been trying to use the waste to convert it to bioplastic, foam, old rags, and other uses.

You could use it as soap, break down soil, or fuel for cars and home heating.

The Glycerin By-Product: 
Biodiesel uses three major waste products; glycerin, methanol, and water. 
Some home-brewers are creating soap used from biodiesel waste glycerin. Glycerin can be converted to ethanol if you add E.coli.  


Nutrition Content:
There is none. Although it can change glycerin and E.coli to succinate used to flavor drinks and food, and formate (a common preservative in animal feed).
Transporting waste: 
The methanol and water can be done in-house. Excess methanol can be boiled off the glycerin within a closed container and directed into a condenser. Then reused for the next biodiesel batch. Waste water can be disposed of down the drain. Then you would have fuel trucks for ethanol and distribution to gas stations. Farmers can use glycerin on their fields as fertilizer, food production and chemical plants. However, if you don't have that option, you'll have to have it transported to plants that use it or pay to dispose it. 
According to some, they are worried that we are going to run out of paper. Though, our world is becoming more advanced with technology, we are using less paper in the long run. 
Environmentally Friendly: 
Yes, except the methanol if it's not recyclable. You need to burn off the methanol off the glyercin to get rid of the methanol. 
Chemistry Involved: 
This is a molecule of biodiesel, it's a chain of carbon atoms, hydrogen atoms, and an ester functional group. 

Biodiesel is like diesel. Diesel has a chain of carbon and hydrogen atoms, but the ester functional group doesn't.

At first, diesel engines used vegetable oil. Which also has the chain of carbon and hydrogen atoms chain; but is three times bigger. In the blue, it is the ester functional group. 

Converting it into biodiesel makes the molecule smaller.
Converting vegetable oil into biodiesel requires methanol, which causes the OCH2 bonds to break. This reaction, which is called transesterification reaction, creates glycerol. Glycerol binds to the methanol creating a methoxy group. Sodium hydroxide and potassium are used as catalyst. 

Trace water must be removed before transesterification reaction. 

If there is excess water it will create soap and make it more difficult to separate the leftover methanol, the catalyst, and the glycerol byproduct.

Converting waste paper into biofuel is something that should be looked into. About 83 billion liters of ethanol can come from the waste paper. 
Today, bioethanol is the most important biofuel. Which, the mills are able to give the bioethanol to be good for the economy. Waste paper includes an amount of municipal and industrial waste. When paper is recycled, it's made into new products and the fiber length becomes shorter. In doing so, is decreases the quality. 65% of recycled paper is turned back into paper. While the rest is deposed of and can be used for energy. There is two types of wood, hardwoods and softwoods. Softwoods can not produce ethanol. 
Autohydrolysis is good for the economy on hardwoods or non-wood plants. Though, is is not great for softwoods. Autohydrolysis is economically the best for softwood. 
To improve obtainability of enzymes to fibers and not losing the carbohydrates, is known as mechanical refining. 
The lignin is taken away by ozone and chlorine dioxide, but oxygen gives a boost to the lignin. Enzymes bind preferentially to lignin; which means, the chemical structure of residual lignin as a factor is important. 

So, to use the paper mill's waste, there are many ways to dispose it and make it into something useful.

* MSDS for Sludge

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Specific Heat Lab

Purpose of this lab: 
The purpose of this lab was to figure out what the specific heat was.
The specific heat we got was one of the listed: Aluminum, Brass, Copper, Lead, Stainless Steel, or Zinc; water was also a specific heat. For our formula equation to find the specific heat was Qm = Mm Cm delta Tm. Q is the heat, M is the mass, C is the specific heat, and delta T is the temperature change. One calorie would equal the amount of heat needed to raise one gram of H2O by one degree Celsius. 4.184 Joules equals one calorie. Qm lost is equal to Q water gains.
Data collected (how and data table): 
To begin the lab, we weighed each of individual specific heat by itself. The weights were 15.974g, 15.339g, 15.776g, 14.835g, 16.768g, 15.201g. All together it became 93.785g which was the mass of the metal. We got 250mL of water in a glass beaker. The beaker weighed 155.39g; adding the water increased the weight to 411.91g. Then we weighed the two foam cups; the smaller one was 0.869g and the bigger one was 1.720g. When we put water in the foam cup, it became 72.969g; making the water 71.249g. After all this, we took the temperature of the water from the faucet; which was 21.3 Celsius. Next, we put the glass beaker full of water on the heated hot plate. We let it sit until it reached 100.3 Celsius. Then we took the bigger foam cup with water and placed all the specific heat solids into that cup. We put the smaller foam cup upside down onto the other cup, trapping the heat inside. We slid the temperature tool to figure out the temperature. It came out to 29.8 Celsius in the foam cup. After the beaker of water was heated, we weighed what was left over, giving us 326.72g. Plus, the foam cup with water and the specific heats after heated was 165.82g.
Analysis (calculations included): 
Mm= 71.249g
T1= 100.3 Celsius
T2= 29.8 Celsius
Delta T= 100.3 - 29.8 = 70.5 Celsius

Qm = Mm Cm DeltaT
Q = 71.249g x 4.184 x 8.5
Q = 2533.90

[4.184 J/(g x k)] (71.249g) 8.5k = 2533.90 J = Q for metal

Q/m DeltaT = C
2533.90 J / 93.785g x 70.5 Celsius = C
2.609 = C
In conclusion, since the specific heat was not calculated correctly; it is almost impossible to know which one it was. Although, the specific heat was zinc. There was an


For our procedure, we first got a test tube. We placed two chemicals in the test tube and mixed it together with a glass rod. We repeated that for each new chemical and wrote the observations in the data table. We got a Bunsen burner to burn methane and oxygen. We continued to record that in the data table. After we were finished with each mixture, we cleaned everything up.
Calcium has a white appearance, and it is soluble in water. Its hazards are ingestion, inhaled, or irritation to the skin and eyes. Hydrochloric acid is a colorless, fuming liquid, and it is also soluble in water. Though, it has a hazard of poison. Next is zinc, and its appearance is a grey-blue powder, but it is not soluble in water. Zinc is hazardous if it is swallowed. Lead nitrate is a colorless crystals that is soluble in water. It is fatal if it is swallowed. Calcium oxide looks like white powder that is also soluble in water with heat, and can cause irritation. Then there’s magnesium carbonate which looks like white crystals. It is soluble in water and causes irritation. Methane is colorless and odorless. It is soluble in water, but it is also flammable. Silver nitrate is also colorless, and it dissolves in water. Though, it can cause abdominal pain. Sodium chloride is a white crystalline powder that is also odorless. It can dissolved in water, glycerol, and slightly in alcohol; and it causes irritation and dehydration. Ammonium chloride is white, hygroscopic crystals. It is soluble in water, glycerol and alcohol. It too can also cause irritation. Sodium hydroxide is colorless and odorless. It is also toxic and corrosive.
In this lab there were a few chemicals. For the first one, we used calcium and hydrochloric acid. It dissolved, and the rock-like substance became smaller than it was. The next one we did was zinc metal and lead nitrate. It did dissolve, but very slowly. There was no immediate reaction, the magnetic reaction later made it puff up. Thirdly, it was magnesium carbonate. It dissolved and the water turned light blue. Then there was methane and oxygen, which caught on fire. Sixth was silver nitrate and sodium chloride. It dissolved, and turned into a milk-like color. Last was ammonium chloride and sodium hydroxide. It dissolved, and then there was slowly basely noticeable bubbles.